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GET Engagements
Description: Retrieve engagements from a client for a specific vendor.
Sample CURL:
curl -X GET "https://uat.vmsapi.vectorvms.com/engagements?filterfield=&filteroperator=&filtervalue=&Vendor_Org_Id=1234&Client_Org_Id=1234" -H "accept: application/json" -H "x-api-key: {your_api_key}" -H "x-signature: {your_api_signature}"
Response Code 200 - Schema
Response Field | Data Type | Description |
Cand_Id | number | VMS System ID for this engaged candidate |
string | Last change reason from engagement |
string | Last change requested by from engagement |
ClientOrgId | number | VMS Organization ID for client |
Client_Candidate_Id | string | Unique candidate id from originating client |
CostCenterName | string | Name of Cost Center associated to the engagement |
CostCenterRefCode | string | Reference Code of Cost Center associated to the engagement |
DaysPerWeek | number | Days per week for the engagement |
string | Disengaged Reason from engagement |
string | Disengaged Reson Detail from engagement |
Disposition | string | Engagement Disposition Status |
EligibleForReturn | string | Eligible for Return from engagement |
EngDetailsCustField1 | string | Engagement Details Custom Field 1 Value |
EngDetailsCustField2 | string | Engagement Details Custom Field 2 Value |
EngDetailsCustField3 | string | Engagement Details Custom Field 3 Value |
EngDetailsCustField4 | string | Engagement Details Custom Field 4 Value |
EngDetailsCustField5 | string | Engagement Details Custom Field 5 Value |
EngDetailsCustField6 | string | Engagement Details Custom Field 6 Value |
EngDetailsCustField7 | string | Engagement Details Custom Field 7 Value |
EngDetailsCustField8 | string | Engagement Details Custom Field 8 Value |
EngDetailsCustField9 | string | Engagement Details Custom Field 9 Value |
EngDetailsCustField10 | string | Engagement Details Custom Field 10 Value |
EngagementId | number | VMS System ID for this engagement record |
Engagement_Type | string | Type of relationship(s) offered for the position |
string | Date Engagement Created |
string | Date Engagement Last Updated |
Engt_Start_Dt | string | Engagement Start Date |
Engt_Thru_Dt | string | Engagement Through Date |
ExtractDateTime | string | The Date/Time of this engagement batch |
ExtractId | string | The ID of this engagement batch |
FirstName | string | Engaged Candidate First Name |
Flag | string |
Engagement state at the time of extract: |
GLName | string | Name of GL associated to the engagement |
GLRefCode | string | Reference Code of GL associated to the engagement |
HoursPerDay | string | Hours/units per day for the engsagement |
LastName | string | Engaged Candidate Last Name |
ManagerFirstName | string | Engagement Reports To manager First Name |
string | Engagement Reports To manager Internal ID |
ManagerLastName | string | Engagement Reports To manager Last Name |
MiddleInitial | string | Engaged Candidate Middle Initial |
string | Payment Basis from engagement (Per Hour, Per Day, etc.) |
Payrate | number | Engagement Pay Rate |
ProjectName | string | Name of Project associated to the engagment |
ProjectRefCode | string | Reference Code of Project associated to the engagment |
ReqId | number | VMS System ID for the requisition this candidate is engaged for |
string | Additional comments for Eligible for Return from engagement |
TimeSheetStartDate | string | Engagement Timesheet Start Date |
TitleRole | string | The position title from the original requisition |
User_Id | number | Candidate VMS User ID |
VendorSysOrgId | number | VMS Organization ID for vendor |
Vendorname | string | Vendor Name |
WorkLocationAddress1 | string | Engagement Work Location address line 1 |
WorkLocationAddress2 | string | Engagement Work Location address line 2 |
WorkLocationCity | string | Engagement Work Location City |
WorkLocationCountry | string | Engagement Work Location Country |
WorkLocationName | string | Engagement Work Location Name |
WorkLocationRefCode | string | Engagement Work Location Reference Code |
WorkLocationState | string | Engagement Work Location State |
WorkLocationZip | string | Engagement Work Location Zip Code |
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