GET Engagements

Description:  Retrieve engagements from a client for a specific vendor.

Sample CURL:

curl -X GET "" -H  "accept: application/json" -H  "x-api-key: {your_api_key}" -H  "x-signature: {your_api_signature}"

filterfield Filter Field.  Available filters: ExtractId, ExtractDateTime, Engt_Start_Dt, EngtLastUpdatedDate, EngagementId
filteroperator Filter operator: =, >=, etc
filtervalue Filter Value
Client_Org_Id VMS Org ID for Client
Vendor_Org_Id VMS Org ID for Vendor  (or VMS Org ID for Client if API call is from client organization)
x-api-key Your API key (found in My Account)
x-signature  Signature (Key+Secret+Timestamp Hash) - refer to Authentication section of Documentation for more information

Response Code 200 - Schema

Response Field Data Type Description
Cand_Id number VMS System ID for this engaged candidate
ClientOrgId number VMS Organization ID for client
Client_Candidate_Id string Unique candidate id from originating client
CostCenterName string Name of Cost Center associated to the engagement
CostCenterRefCode string Reference Code of Cost Center associated to the engagement
DaysPerWeek number Days per week for the engagement
Disposition string Engagement Disposition Status
EngDetailsCustField1 string Engagement Details Custom Field 1 Value
EngDetailsCustField2 string Engagement Details Custom Field 2 Value
EngDetailsCustField3 string Engagement Details Custom Field 3 Value
EngDetailsCustField4 string Engagement Details Custom Field 4 Value
EngagementId number VMS System ID for this engagement record
Engagement_Type string Type of relationship(s) offered for the position
string Date Engagement Created
string Date Engagement Last Updated
Engt_Start_Dt string Engagement Start Date
Engt_Thru_Dt string Engagement Through Date
ExtractDateTime string The Date/Time of this engagement batch
ExtractId string The ID of this engagement batch
FirstName string Engaged Candidate First Name
Flag string

Engagement state at the time of extract:
N – New
C – Changed
D – Disengaged

GLName string Name of GL associated to the engagement
GLRefCode string Reference Code of GL associated to the engagement
HoursPerDay string Hours/units per day for the engsagement
LastName string Engaged Candidate Last Name
ManagerFirstName string Engagement Reports To manager First Name
ManagerLastName string Engagement Reports To manager Last Name
MiddleInitial string Engaged Candidate Middle Initial
Payrate number Engagement Pay Rate
ProjectName string Name of Project associated to the engagment
ProjectRefCode string Reference Code of Project associated to the engagment
ReqId number VMS System ID for the requisition this candidate is engaged for
TimeSheetStartDate string Engagement Timesheet Start Date
TitleRole string The position title from the original requisition
User_Id number Candidate VMS User ID
VendorSysOrgId number VMS Organization ID for vendor
Vendorname string Vendor Name
WorkLocationAddress1 string Engagement Work Location address line 1
WorkLocationAddress2 string Engagement Work Location address line 2
WorkLocationCity string Engagement Work Location City
WorkLocationCountry string Engagement Work Location Country
WorkLocationName string Engagement Work Location Name
WorkLocationRefCode string Engagement Work Location Reference Code
WorkLocationState string Engagement Work Location State
WorkLocationZip string Engagement Work Location Zip Code